Friday, March 1, 2019

How to Force an Auto Insurer to Respond to Your Claim

When you’ve just had a serious car accident, you expect your insurance company to be on your side. You pay for the security that, when disaster strikes, you won’t be the one paying for it. It wasn’t your fault, and you’re suffering for it. You should receive compensation. Unfortunately, you’re not hearing back from your insurance company. Your adjuster is refusing to respond, leaving you without answers and with limited time to file. Continue reading to learn more about how to force an auto insurer to respond to your claim.

Writing a Demand Letter

Your first option for getting an insurer to respond is to write a demand letter for your settlement. This letter informs them of your accident, how much you’re owed, and all the damages you’ve suffered. This letter provides specific details about the suffering you’ve experienced and why you should be compensated. It’s important to show them that you know what your settlement is worth. This demand letter outlines the total value of your claim, and explains that you’re ready to take action if you don’t receive what you should for your suffering. In many cases, the insurance company might be more willing to respond when you show that you’re knowledgeable about your claim and what your rightful compensation should be.

Take Your Claim to Court

Unfortunately, this tactic doesn’t always work. The insurer might still be unwilling to discuss your claim or the compensation you’re owed. In these cases, we recommend that you fight back by taking your claim to civil court. In court, you’ll be able to sue for the full amount you’re owed. You’ll need to file within two years of the accident, and once you’ve filed, you can fight for the full compensation you deserve. Although it may seem easier to work with your insurance company, you might find that it simply isn’t always an option. Keep in mind, however, that the insurer isn’t going to go to court without a fight. You could be accused of being partially responsible for the accident, which can reduce the amount of compensation you receive. For example, if you’re found to be 20 percent at fault for the accident, and you don’t dispute this accusation, you might only receive 80 percent of your total compensation, which can translate to thousands of dollars that you need for your recovery.

Seek an Attorney’s Guidance

When you’re struggling to get your compensation, you’ll need an attorney on your side to help you fight back and get the maximum funds you deserve. It’s tough to fight back alone, especially when it seems that your own insurer isn’t listening to you. Fortunately, you have options to recover your damages. If your auto insurer isn’t responding to your claim, speak to a lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. A New York car accident lawyer from our firm can help you select the best approach, beginning with a free consultation. When you’re ready to begin, give us a call at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or visit our website for more information.

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