Wednesday, March 27, 2019

How Do I Recover Compensation for a Crash Caused by a Pothole?

If you’re hit by another driver, you typically know who’s responsible for your car accident. Unfortunately, not every case is so simple. For instance, you might have encountered a road hazard and lost control of your vehicle. But how do you recover compensation for an accident caused by a pothole or other road hazard?

Fortunately, you have a chance to recover the compensation you deserve when a pothole causes your accident. However, it can be tough to determine who’s responsible for your accident if you don’t have an experienced lawyer on your side.

If you’re not sure where to begin with your auto crash claim, reach out for help. The right car accident lawyer can help you understand your legal case and get the full compensation you deserve.

Who’s Responsible?

When you’re injured in a car accident, understanding who’s responsible is essential if you’re going to file a lawsuit. New York is a no-fault state, which means you’ll have the chance to simply file with your insurance company and avoid filing a lawsuit. However, serious injuries may need to be taken into the tort system, meaning you’ll need to file an injury claim against the responsible party.

If you were injured because of a pothole, the responsible party will likely be those who let these dangerous conditions remain. Government road authorities are responsible for repairing the roads and making sure that driving conditions are as safe as possible. Unfortunately, they don’t always do so, neglecting major potholes that lead to severe crashes.

If this is the case, your auto collision attorney will investigate the scene and speak with any witnesses who might have seen the crash. We’ll gather the evidence that can prove that a government road authority was the responsible party.

Compensation for a Pothole Crash

Sadly, you might have suffered some severe injuries because of your accident. That means you may be struggling to get the full compensation you’re owed. Fortunately, you’ll have a chance to determine the full value of those damages with a lawyer on your side. We can help you recover full compensation for your economic and non-economic damages.

When you’ve suffered through a crash, you might be thinking mainly about your economic damages, or the financial losses you’ve suffered because of your accident. These damages can become expensive quickly, so you and your attorney should keep track of what expenses you have incurred.

But make sure you’re getting you non-economic damages, or intangible losses, too. These damages cover the emotional and mental trauma of a wreck, but because they’re non-financial, they can be difficult to assign a monetary value to. The good news is that an attorney can help with that.

Get Help when a Pothole Causes an Accident

When you’ve been injured in a single-car crash because of a pothole, it may be frustrating and confusing to seek the compensation you’re owed. Fortunately, help is available.

When you need help, reach out to the auto accident lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. Starting with a free consultation, we’ll discuss your crash and show you how we can help you recover.

Ready to get started? Reach out by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or completing the online form below.

The post How Do I Recover Compensation for a Crash Caused by a Pothole? appeared first on Greenstein & Milbauer.

from Greenstein & Milbauer

Monday, March 25, 2019

Why Are T-Bone Accidents So Dangerous?

One moment, you’re passing through an intersection, trying to get home or to work. The next, you’ve been rammed in the side by another driver, leaving you badly injured. Now, you might be struggling to recover from such an accident. Why are T-bone accidents so dangerous? Understanding what caused your severe injuries can help you recover, so answering these questions will be important in your pursuit of compensation. Read on for more information.

T-Bone Crashes Are Often Fatal

Any crash can be deadly, but T-bone crashes represent a significant portion of the deadly crashes each year in the United States. Their deadliness is typically due to the way your car is structured. When you’re hit in the front or back of your vehicle, there’s plenty of metal and other material between you and the other vehicle. Not only are there multiple seats or parts of your car, but your airbags will also be in the right places to protect you. That’s not the case for a side impact. In these collisions, the only thing between you and the other vehicle is a door and glass. That’s not enough to protect you from the impact, and sadly, that means that these accidents are especially deadly for children, too. As such, your damages might be significant in a T-bone wreck.

Common Injuries in Side-Impact Collisions

Because a T-bone accident is so serious, you might face major injuries that could impact your life for years after the crash. That means you might be suffering for years after your accident. Some of your injuries may never completely heal. That means you’ll need financial help that covers all of your injuries, so speak to your Manhattan car accident attorney and make sure you’re getting the full amount you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a T-bone accident, reach out for help getting compensation for any of the following damages:
  • Broken bones
  • Brain trauma
  • Internal organ damage
  • Burn injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries

Fight Back After a T-Bone Accident

Sadly, a T-bone accident may be one of the most serious accidents you could face, so when you’ve suffered through one, it can be tough to recover. You’ll need help to get the full compensation you deserve. Fortunately, our attorneys at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can help. Ready to fight back? Get the help you need, starting with a free consultation. Our attorneys can be reached by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or through the online contact form on our website.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Why Sideswipe Accidents Are Dangerous

When you think about types of dangerous car accidents, you’re likely thinking of rollovers, head-on collisions, or T-bone accidents. Sideswipe collisions might not come up on your list of serious accidents, but they can be deadly. What makes a sideswipe accident so dangerous, though? When a car comes into your lane, you might expect a scary experience but minor damage. Unfortunately, you could lose control of your car and be left with major injuries. Make sure you’re taking care to avoid these serious accidents.  

You Could Lose Control

Sideswipe accidents usually happen when another car unexpectedly tries to enter your lane. In some cases, this action might be the result of a road hazard or an attempt to avoid another accident. Other times, the driver might not have been looking for you or didn’t see you in their blind spot. Often, such a side impact causes the other driver to jerk the wheel to compensate. Unfortunately, that means you might overcompensate and completely lose control of the car. Now, you’ve been hit once, and you’re at risk of crashing into something else. That leaves you struggling to stop your car as you lose control, which can be impossible. Now, you’re in much more danger than a simple sideswipe would initially cause, especially if you’re moving at high speed.    

More Serious Accidents Can Happen

Unfortunately, the loss of control means that you’re at risk for a more serious accident type. The impact to the side of your car might not have caused major damage, but a second impact can lead to a much worse outcome. For example, you might have been driving down the highway when another car tried to merge into traffic. You were moving at high speed when they sideswiped you, and the accident caused you to lose control of your car. You ended up rolling over in the median, causing much more serious injuries, such as head trauma and broken bones. Unfortunately, it’s often not the initial crash that causes the most damage in a sideswipe accident. Instead, it’s the damage that follows that leaves you injured and struggling to recover.    

Speak to a Lawyer When You’ve Been Hit

A sideswipe accident may not seem serious at first, but the end results can be dire. These accidents can leave you with painful injuries, a damaged car, and trauma that will affect you for a long time. That’s difficult to overcome without help. Fortunately, a Manhattan car accident attorney from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP can give you the legal guidance you need. We’ll determine the cause of your accident and who’s at fault. That way, you can get the compensation you need from the responsible party. If you’re not sure who that is, reach out for a free consultation. When you’re ready to get started, reach out for help. You can reach us at our website or by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462).

Rideshare Car Accidents: How to Recover Compensation

When you use a rideshare service, you might be trying to avoid traffic, accidents, and other complications of driving. Rideshare services like Lyft and Uber can help you avoid the headache of all the complications of traffic, making your life easier. Unfortunately, these services can make your life more difficult, too.

You might have suffered a rideshare car accident, and now you need to know how to recover compensation. Any accident involving a person at work can lead to a complicated lawsuit, so you’ll need to understand the rules before you file.

These accidents are similar to bus crashes or taxicab accidents. You’ll need to look at both the company and the driver for financial liability before you file. Reach out for help if you’re struggling to identify the right at-fault party and get your compensation.

Who’s at Fault?

When a rideshare accident happens, you’ll first need to find out who caused the accident and who’s liable for your damages. Because the driver is at work, determining liability can be complex, and the rideshare company’s policies may make that more difficult.

Let’s say your Uber driver wasn’t paying attention and caused the accident. You were injured by their negligence, but because they were at work, their employer should be responsible, right? While there are some cases where you may file a claim against companies like Uber and Lyft, they often do what they can to take the blame off of themselves.

Lyft and Uber describe themselves as companies that provide an app to connect drivers and passengers. They pretend to think that means they’re responsible for the app, not the drivers. Still, these companies maintain insurance policies that can exceed $1 million. In some cases, however, you may need to go through the driver’s individual insurance policy or even your own no-fault policy.

If this sounds confusing, it’s because it is. Fortunately, your attorney can help you sort through the details and determine who should be forced to compensate you for your injuries.

Compensation After a Rideshare Accident

If you’re struggling after a rideshare crash, you’ll need to get the full compensation you deserve. Unfortunately, if you don’t know what your claim is worth, it’s easy to be left with bills you shouldn’t be responsible for.

If you’re injured in a rideshare accident, you might be eligible for compensation for the following damages:

  • Current and future medical costs
  • Current and future lost wages
  • Emotional trauma
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Household accommodations

Contact an NYC Rideshare Accident Lawyer

Rideshare services are becoming more popular as an alternative to driving, taking a cab, or taking the bus. But the popularity of these services doesn’t mean you’re immune to a serious accident and injury. You might be one of the countless people who have been injured in a rideshare accident.

How do you recover compensation for your damages? Because of the complications that come with a rideshare car accident, getting a lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP on your side may be the best option for you. You’ll need help with the many tricky aspects of your legal claim, so reach out before you begin.

If you’re unsure of where to start, reach out for a free consultation. We’ll help you fight back and get the full compensation you deserve, starting with a discussion about your case. When you’re ready, reach out to us by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by completing the online contact form below.  

The post Rideshare Car Accidents: How to Recover Compensation appeared first on Greenstein & Milbauer.

from Greenstein & Milbauer

Friday, March 1, 2019

How to Force an Auto Insurer to Respond to Your Claim

When you’ve just had a serious car accident, you expect your insurance company to be on your side. You pay for the security that, when disaster strikes, you won’t be the one paying for it. It wasn’t your fault, and you’re suffering for it. You should receive compensation. Unfortunately, you’re not hearing back from your insurance company. Your adjuster is refusing to respond, leaving you without answers and with limited time to file. Continue reading to learn more about how to force an auto insurer to respond to your claim.

Writing a Demand Letter

Your first option for getting an insurer to respond is to write a demand letter for your settlement. This letter informs them of your accident, how much you’re owed, and all the damages you’ve suffered. This letter provides specific details about the suffering you’ve experienced and why you should be compensated. It’s important to show them that you know what your settlement is worth. This demand letter outlines the total value of your claim, and explains that you’re ready to take action if you don’t receive what you should for your suffering. In many cases, the insurance company might be more willing to respond when you show that you’re knowledgeable about your claim and what your rightful compensation should be.

Take Your Claim to Court

Unfortunately, this tactic doesn’t always work. The insurer might still be unwilling to discuss your claim or the compensation you’re owed. In these cases, we recommend that you fight back by taking your claim to civil court. In court, you’ll be able to sue for the full amount you’re owed. You’ll need to file within two years of the accident, and once you’ve filed, you can fight for the full compensation you deserve. Although it may seem easier to work with your insurance company, you might find that it simply isn’t always an option. Keep in mind, however, that the insurer isn’t going to go to court without a fight. You could be accused of being partially responsible for the accident, which can reduce the amount of compensation you receive. For example, if you’re found to be 20 percent at fault for the accident, and you don’t dispute this accusation, you might only receive 80 percent of your total compensation, which can translate to thousands of dollars that you need for your recovery.

Seek an Attorney’s Guidance

When you’re struggling to get your compensation, you’ll need an attorney on your side to help you fight back and get the maximum funds you deserve. It’s tough to fight back alone, especially when it seems that your own insurer isn’t listening to you. Fortunately, you have options to recover your damages. If your auto insurer isn’t responding to your claim, speak to a lawyer at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. A New York car accident lawyer from our firm can help you select the best approach, beginning with a free consultation. When you’re ready to begin, give us a call at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or visit our website for more information.

Single-Car Accident? Someone Else May Be at Fault

When a car accident happens, you can typically guarantee that the other driver is at least partially responsible. But, what about a single-car accident? Is it possible that someone else could be at fault?

Although you might have been the only car involved in the crash, you may need to speak to a lawyer about the details of your accident. In some cases, someone else could have indirectly caused your injuries through careless or negligent actions.

If that’s the case, you’ll have the opportunity to file a civil claim against the responsible person or persons to secure the compensation you deserve for your damages.

Suing a Government Agency

When a motor vehicle accident is caused by dangerous road hazards, the New York City Department of Transportation (NYC DOT) could be to blame. This government agency is responsible for ensuring the safety and upkeep of public roads.

For example, a large pothole should be filled in immediately once NYC DOT has been informed of the damage to the road. If it’s not, hitting the pothole could damage your car enough to make you lose control, causing a crash.

Even poor road design can cause an auto wreck. If water is allowed to pool on the roadways due to poor design, your car might hydroplane, which can cause serious injuries to you and extensive damage to your vehicle.  

Suing a government agency isn’t easy, however. Because the government has certain protections in place, you’ll have less time and more restrictions to your claim. For example, the statute of limitations for government injury claims is just 90 days from the date of the accident. Speak to your lawyer about acting as soon as possible to secure your rightful compensation.

Manufacturers May Be to Blame

In some cases, the fault might rest in the car itself. If you were driving along when your brakes went out, or something malfunctioned and caused you to lose control of your car, that certainly wasn’t your fault. Instead, it could be the fault of the manufacturer, who should have checked the parts for design flaws.

Manufacturers are liable for any negligence on their part. If they build something unsafe, and someone gets hurt, they’re responsible for any related losses.

Alternatively, it could be the mechanic who worked on the brakes, or who might have installed a part improperly. In either case, you weren’t the one who caused your accident, and you shouldn’t be the one stuck paying for the damages.

A New York City Lawyer Can Help You Determine Fault

When an accident happens, knowing who’s responsible for your pain and suffering is important. You’ll need to know who caused the accident and how to get your compensation from them. But, what if it was a single-car accident?

If you were the only vehicle involved in your crash, you might not be liable for causing the accident. But, if you’re not familiar with what to look for and which type of evidence you’ll need, you might not know how to prove your lack of fault. An experienced New York car accident lawyer can help you determine fault and identify the responsible parties to secure the compensation you need.

If you believe someone else caused your accident, but you’re not sure where to turn, speak to a lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. We’ll start with a free consultation to discuss the details of your wreck and explain how we can help.

Getting started is easy. To speak with our attorneys, simply reach out by calling 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or by completing the online form below.

The post Single-Car Accident? Someone Else May Be at Fault appeared first on Greenstein & Milbauer.

from Greenstein & Milbauer