Monday, September 10, 2018

How to Determine Fault in a Construction Accident

How to Determine Fault in a Construction Accident

Whether you’re working in a construction zone or just passing through, there’s always a chance of injury. These zones are dangerous, and if you needed to work in one or walk past or through one, you could have suffered a severe injury. The heavy machinery and use of chemicals alone can be lethal.

Once a construction injury happens, you could receive compensation for your accident; but who’s responsible for the injuries? Knowing how to determine fault in a construction accident is a vital part of getting your compensation, so be sure you’ve found the liable party before you begin. A personal injury attorney can make sure you have the right person, to make the process as smooth as possible.

When an Employer Is Liable

Your first thought might be that the employee who caused the accident is responsible. They were the ones who injured you, so they should be the ones to pay for it, right? Unfortunately, it might not be so simple. Instead, you may need to look at the employer for your compensation.

When we’re at work and we’re acting within the scope of our jobs, our employer is responsible for our actions. That’s why, if you’re injured on the job, your employer is often responsible for your injuries.

As such, when a construction company’s employees are doing their jobs and that injures someone, the company is liable for the damages.  In this case, you may need to contact an attorney to determine the company or employer responsible for the employee and their actions.

A Third Party May Be Responsible

But what if an employee of the site wasn’t the one who caused the accident? For example, if a driver passing through the construction site causes your injury, the person who caused your injuries might be the one responsible for your damages.

If you’re injured because of someone working for a third party, that same employer might not be the one responsible for the injuries. Your accident might have been caused because one of the third parties involved in the construction site created unsafe conditions.

If you’re not sure what third party or employer is responsible, a lawyer can help to determine fault in your construction accident. We’ll investigate your claim and find the person responsible so that you can act within the three-year time limit for construction injuries.

An Attorney Can Determine Fault

Dealing with the pain of a construction accident is tough, and worse, you might not know who’s responsible for those injuries. Fortunately, a lawyer can help when you’re unsure how to determine fault in a construction accident.

If you’re struggling to find the responsible party for your construction accident injuries, reach out to the lawyers at Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP. Our attorneys can help you determine who’s responsible for your claim so you can get the compensation you need as soon as possible.

Not sure where to begin with your case? Get started with a free consultation from our personal injury attorneys. We’ll review your claim and show you what we can do to make your claim succeed, before you pay anything. To get started, just give us a call at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or complete the following online form.

The post How to Determine Fault in a Construction Accident appeared first on Greenstein & Milbauer.

from Greenstein & Milbauer

Avoiding Aggressive Drivers

Most people have been a little grouchy behind the wheel, and for some people, that makes them careless or reckless. When someone drives angry, however, and they act aggressively toward other drivers, there’s a chance for disaster. When you encounter an aggressive driver, you want to do everything in your power to avoid an accident. That can be tough, since an aggressive driver might be going at high speeds and can be easy to provoke. By following these tips, however, you might be able to avoid a crash and protect yourself from harm.  

Take It Slow

First, you’ll want to do everything in your power not to escalate the situation. Aggressive drivers are usually angry and not considering the safety of those around them, which can endanger you. As such, you’ll want to avoid eye contact and get away from them. But speeding up can make the situation worse. They may take this as aggressive and try to keep pace with you. Instead, slow down or pull over to an exit or business. This gives them time to move further away from you, and it lowers the chance of a high-speed crash. Often, a dangerous situation on the road can be avoided by taking it slow. When you put some distance between yourself and the aggressive driver, you can avoid the serious consequences that come with an accident.

Call for Help

Unfortunately, the aggressive driver might not leave you alone once you’ve slowed down and let them pass or put distance between your car and theirs. If they’re pursuing you or still driving dangerously, your next step might be to call the police. If you feel that you’re endangered, call 911. While many of us see emergency services as the people to call when an accident has already happened, they can get a police officer to your location quickly. While it may seem like a strong response, a police officer can stop the dangerous driver before a serious accident happens. The aggressive driver’s behavior endangers others, so the officer can help both you and other drivers by putting a stop to it. When an aggressive driver won’t leave you alone, don’t try to stop them on your own. This could lead to a crash, which leaves you in even worse shape. Instead, get help to defuse the situation before it worsens.

Get a Lawyer after an Accident

Unfortunately, you may not have been able to avoid the aggressive driver before they caused an accident, leaving you to deal with the expenses and pain for their mistakes. You’ll need help fighting back when you’re stuck in such a position. Fortunately, even if it’s too late to avoid aggressive drivers, you’ll have a chance to receive the compensation you need. To get compensated, you’ll need a car crash lawyer from Greenstein & Milbauer, LLP to help. If you’ve suffered from an aggressive driver’s actions, get the help you need, starting with a freNYC car accident lawyers. To get started, give us a call at 1-800-VICTIM2 (842-8462) or visit us at our website for more information.